Enoki Crispy Rita's Kitchen. Cut off the bottom part of the Enoki mushrooms and separate them into smaller bunches. Pick up the bunches on at a time with chopsticks and dip in the tempura Mix ingredients for the spicy mayo in a small bowl and serve the Enoki mushrooms with a sprinkle of green onions immediately while hot. Recently I was working with enoki mushrooms in my kitchen, contemplating how I could come up with a new way to cook them. A bowl of sliced onion sitting nearby made me realize how similar in shape, size, and texture sliced onions and enoki were. Video kali ini sis nak share adalah my fav all time mushroom goreng!
Easy to make crispy "pancakes" ready to dip into a delectable sauce. Enoki is both a powerful medicinal mushroom, and a culinary delight- worthy of it's place in the kitchen. Unless you're well versed in fungal cuisine, it's not always obvious what you can do with. Teman-teman dapat memasak Enoki Crispy Rita's Kitchen hanya dengan menggunakan 5 bahan dan 5 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, yuk kita coba resep Enoki Crispy Rita's Kitchen!
Bahan Enoki Crispy Rita's Kitchen
- Siapkan 2 bks of Jamur enoki.
- Siapkan 1 of sdteh garam.
- Sediakan 4 sdm of tepung beras.
- Siapkan 5 sdm of tepung serbaguna merk putri.
- Dibutuhkan of minyak untuk menggoreng.
Instructions : Eat in a salad or salad with rice. Crispy mushroom having protein and fiber. Cara Memasak Jamur Enoki Crispy: Potong pangkal jamur enoki, cuci bersih, lalu peras airnya sampai kering. Pisahkan jamur menjadi beberapa kuntum, kemudian celupkan ke dalam putih telur.
Langkah-langkah membuat Enoki Crispy Rita's Kitchen
- Sediakan 1 mangkok air dan beri garam....
- Potong ujung jamur lalu cuci dan pisahkan perbatang....
- Rendam jamur dalam air garam sejenak baru tiriskan/ disaring.
- Aduk rata kedua tepung.. masukan jamur kedalam tepung dan aduk rata.
- Goreng dalam minyak panas... hingga crispy.. aduk terus hingga crispy ya.. biar merata...
Gulingkan jamur yang sudah dicelup putih telur ke dalam tepung bumbu. Praktis karena ibu tak perlu menambahkan bumbu lagi. Nutrisi yang terkandung didalam jamur enoki juga sangat banyak, baik sekali untuk tubuh. Crispy tempura with prawns(shrimps), eggplants, carrots, enoki mushrooms and shiso leaves dipped in the tempura sauce are so delicious and not hard to make. Deep fried seafood and vegetables coated in tempura batter are renowned for the delicate crispy coating that is quite different to other deep fried.